Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Birthday J9!

This blog entry is dedicated to a very special friend of mine as today is her birthday. J9 is a good friend of mine and she not only teaches me braille and intervenes for me.. she's also a good person to be with. She's really funny, she has vim, verve and vitality.

A beautiful aura around her and you just want to be with her and be in her presence. Happy Birthday girl!

Today I was going to do some scrapping but wouldn't you know it, Mosey wanted nothing of it and disrupted everything I did. He'd sit on my lap and purr. He'd either headbutt me or sit on the box where I do the scrapping and then paw on the box so I'd let him inside the box. Sure enough he wanted inside the box so I can flip it over for him.

I just knew my plans for a whole afternoon for scrapping would be out of the window. Hubby said I simply enable him.. true about that. I packed up everything and Mosey was happy to help me by playing with some of the scrapping things. Now where's Mosey? He's sleeping with Ashy. She can do no wrong until I sleep.. ha ha!

Wooky.. we'll wait and see! We have a zoo here but of course growing up, I came from a zoo so what's new!

As I was putting the things away, I asked hubby to help take pictures as he does photography much better than I do. You see, I love sharing ideas and tips with people that's cost-effective and "wallet-friendly", big smiles! Growing up, I knew what it was like to be under the poverty line because my family grew up poor even though my parents would say they weren't.

Hubby and I are under the poverty line and we make do with what we have. We do our Christmas shopping very early and when we do our gifts, we make them rather than buy them.

I decided to do a year of cost-effective gifts starting two this month. Here's the first one with step by step pictures. Quite easy if I can do it, then you can!

All you need are the Christmas bargain clearances from either The Body Shop and/or Bath and Body Works oils. They go for $4.00 sometimes and when they do go for really cheap prices, grab them by the dozen!! You will thank yourself later!

Go to Dollarama (Canada) and/or Dollar Tree (USA) and get several bamboo skewers (they are used for the BBQ) and save some leftover fabric bits and pieces. You can even go to a fabric store and ask for leftover bits, they will gladly give to you for free!

I have Blue Spruce from The Body Shop and they were on deep clearance two years ago. Hubby and I grabbed a whole lot and put them away. We are really thankful we did that.


Cut three skewers in the middle.


Tie a blue ribbon in the middle to hold the skewers together. Make sure you insert the jagged edges inside the jar.


Remove the plastic stopper from the vial at the top with the scissors and be careful too. (Ignore the sink! I'm environmentally friendly and only fill it up to wash the dishes once a day!)


Insert the jagged edges of the skewers into the oil bottle for better presentation.


Ta-da! You have yourself a very cost-effective and wallet-friendly, kid & pet friendly room deodrizer!


Best of all.. the Noel deodrizer isn't all so lonesome by itself now! Ha ha!


Those lasts a good 3 months and when the oil evaporates, it is absorbed by the skewers. The skewers lasts much longer and the scent lasts longer. It is about a good 4 months and I recycle the whole thing.

If I camped outdoors, I would have thrown the skewers into the fire for a fragrant scent.

Watch for my next cost-effective and wallet-friendly project.

Tactile smile!
Patty oxox

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