Friday, January 2, 2009

Personal goals and aspirations for 2009

Hello beautiful people!

I'm terribly sorry for being so tardy with my own blog, you see.. I just have no excuse at all! I'm hopelessly hooked on Facebook and in love with this beautiful thing called "reconnecting".

My goodness, reconnecting with old and new friends just brings back wonderful memories for me. The year 2008 practically flew by and now 2009 has arrived.

Facebook brought a lot of friendships closer and for me, I am appreciative because I was able to meet a lot of wonderful people through this place.

Children I babysat for has now grown up & have children of their own as well. Wow, I tell you this. I feel old. Little children I recall fondly would terrorise the living hell out of me now have moved on to graduate and become doctors, photographers, journalists, computer graphic artists and best of all... parents.

It warms my heart to look into their profiles and their pictures of them with their children. The wee children I look at in the pictures I have to remind myself are the offspring of the children I babysat. They just emulate their parents AND their grandparents so much!

Personal goals and aspirations for 2009.. normally I don't do goals such as losing 50 lbs for 2009 or go on a world-wide cruise trip or so on. I set realistic small goals for myself to accomplish because losing my vision has taught myself to aspire for goals I have always wanted but never set myself to reach for.

I aspired for a support group for DeafBlind people that had no requirements or certain set of expectations such as "Usher's Syndrome". I wanted a support group for both Deaf and DeafBlind to socialise together. 90 Love was built on this common ground for both Deaf and DeafBlind to support each other.

Another personal aspiration for myself was to do more DeafBlind advocacy. Through DeafBlind advocacy I can reach out for more need into Literacy Empowerment.

I grew up with a profound love of literacy. Reading and writing was my escape. My escape from almost everything. Literacy Empowerment I personally believe so many Deaf people can have a beautiful influence in this field.

With both ASL and English, I would love for both DeafBlind and Deaf people to share their life experiences through Literacy Empowerment.

Tactile love to all,
Patty OXOX

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