Thursday, January 17, 2008

CSI tonight!!

Oh my, I've been waiting too long for Grissom! Just can't wait until I see him tonight, just don't tell DH I'm seeing him on the sly! ;)


Anonymous said...


You are a BRAVE person for maintaining your sense of humor, and let me tell you something else, too - you were wrong at my blog.

It is YOU who is beautiful. Your beauty shone through in your wonderful comment to me at my blog, and made my day.

For that, I would like to thank you and ask if I may have the honor of adding your blog to my blogroll. I know you haven't been blogging much, but that's okay.

You are an inspiration to me, and is why I would like the honor of having your blog added to mine.

Thank you!

"LOOK OUT! There goes the UPS truck!"

*dives under the couch*

You rock!



Patty Keen said...

Oh gosh, yes! Feel free as long as you allow me to add you to mine! Tit for tat! :)

Tactile smile! What the hey, I'll go on over to your blog and type the same thing, heh heh!